Yesterday afternoon we were hit by a terrible thunderstorm. However, instead of heavy showers it dropped huge hagel. In just a few minutes the area where I live turned into a winterland! The temperature dropped very fast to almost freezing as well so all the hagel turned into a thick carpet of ice. That turned my terrace into a pool since the water had nowhere to go.The water started to rise and threatend to flood my livingroom through the balconydoor. My daughter and my hubby were deperately trying to get rid of the water and they won the battle just with millimeters. The hagel were huge and they were all over so it seemed.
I have never seen anything like this before.
Here in Sweden, August is one of the summer months, so this is more then weird!
Today, it is sunny but the summerheat is gone, it feels more like fall on the outside. Everything growing is in bits and pices after the heavy hagel and there are still spots with hagel that is slowly melting in the sun.
All my flowers are smashed to the ground, but we did manage to save the inside and that is after all what counts. The flowers will be back next summer, hopefully.

Have a nice day and do look out for extreme weather!
Grandma Maggie