Thursday, February 23, 2006

New Story posted at Niche - Stories about Grand Children

Finally there is a new story posted for you at my Niche - Stories about Grand Children
It´s called *The new weather girl* at I promise you it´s a nice one.
There is also a new article posted at my phpnuke site *Welcome visitors to Maggie´s

Enjoy your reading!
Grandma Maggie

Sunday, February 12, 2006

New postings at my phpnuke site

Just a short update for you. There are new postings at Welcome to Maggie´s World
That is my latest site using phpnuke and I am using that more and more as my homepage.
There are so many things I can do with that script. There is a Forum too and it would be nice to have a few postings in there. You are most welcome to post.
You are also welcome to visit my Swedish blog - Grandma Maggie på svenska
Grandma Maggie